Gizli Sakli Episode 1 English Subtitles

Gizli Sakli Episode 1 English Subtitles

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Gizli Sakli Episode 1 English Subtitles

In “Gizli Saklı”, where love, adventure, crime, and comedy come together, it will lock the audience on the screen; Naz (Sinem Ünsal) has just graduated from the police academy and lives with her mother and uncle, who are protective characters. The police force, after a mafia boss named Tarık Kosuoglu (Tardu Flordun), decides to use Naz and the insane police officer Pamir (Halit Özgür Sarı) together on a secret mission. Like a newly married couple, Pamir and Naz will move across the mafia family’s house and gain Tarık Kosuoglu’s trust and bring him to justice.

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